Movies, TV shows & books about schizoid personality disorder
Movies "Taxi Driver" (1976) - The main character, Travis Bickle, exhibits schizoid traits as he struggles with isolation and detachment from society. "Anomalisa" (2015) - This stop-motion animated film follows a protagonist who experiences a deep sense of...
All the ways to defeat the ego
25 Ways To Kill The Toxic Ego The artist Marina Abramović has said that the moment we begin to believe in our greatness, we kill our ability to be truly creative. What she is talking about is ego—the way that self-absorption ruins the very thing it celebrates.So how...
15 ways people with schizoid personality disorder can contribute to society
Arguably, living inside your head all the time does not lead to a healthy level of life satisfaction. In fact a Buddhist teacher called Vishrant believes living in your head too much is a major source of the world's mental health problems. People with schizoid...